The Three of Wands portrays a man in green and red robe, standing on a cliff and gazing at the sea. It is portraying that he is now out of his comfort zone and is now exploring the open space which is full of wide opportunities. The three wands are firmly fixed on the ground which shows his commitment towards his goals. From such a height, he is gazing at the ships in the sea, which symbolizes advancements and he can foresee all the upcoming challenges and opportunities in the future. The Three of Wands in your Tarot reading urges you to explore and foresee the opportunities. This card tells you to focus more on expanding your horizons and increasing your curiosity.
The Three of Wands in your tarot reading mean that you can enhance your overall potential by expanding your strategies and considering new opportunities that come your way. It maybe the time to plan bigger things but you also need to be prepared for the upcoming challenges. This card sometimes indicates travelling to foreign land which can be either for recreation or job opportunities.
In the Upright position, the Three of Wands is asking you to gain perspective as this card represents vision. The card is asking you to reconsider your actions by staying back and not reacting to the situation. The card tells you to explore new vistas by fearlessly moving forward. You need to ask yourself if you know everything about yourself and resolve the current problem by imagining yourself in a difficult situation.
A reversed Three of Wands in a Tarot reading represents that something is holding you back and hence you are facing troubles progressing in life. It may also mean homecoming for you. Although it indicates that you are getting hopeless because of your circumstances. This card requires you to understand whether you are manifesting your energy in the right direction or not and to be prepared for something unexpected to come your way.
Love Tarot reading with the Three of Wands suggests that matters of heart will see steady growth and people in relationships may have travel on cards with their loved ones, while singles will continue to enjoy their lives as they already are.