The Queen of Swords is the thirteenth card from Suit of Swords. The card shows a Queen sitting on the throne made of stone and decorated with the cherub. Her stern look at a distance represents her outlook towards the future. The decoration of cherub over the thrones shows that she has a softer heart. The Queen is holding a sword up high in her right hand depicting her spirit to seek the truth. The position of her left-hand shows as if she is receiving or offering something. The clouds and trees around her throne are figurative of the ongoing changes in life. The butterfly on the throne is a sign of transformation.
The Queen of Swords represents the traits of humor and wittiness. This positive card reminds you to be truthful and fair while making important decisions. The appearance of the card indicates the time to stay rational and honest over all the matters.
This Minor Arcana card speaks of authority over perception & judgment and points towards being honest and truthful. You acquire the wisdom and intellect to stay positive with your unbiased decisions. The stern-looking Queen is the representation of your inner conscience which helps you to be stable even when you are on an emotional crossroad. The card symbolizes a person who seeks truthfulness and expects the same from others. The Queen of Swords in the upright position emphasizes clarity and rational thinking while making big decisions. The Queen is authoritative and cannot be suppressed. Similarly, even you cannot be intimidated. You have a tough exterior with a soft heart.
A reversed Queen of Swords is a sign that your heart is ruling over your decisions. You are allowing your emotions to take over and distort your perception. The frequent brain fogs that are shading your intellect are the reason you feel unclear and negative. The card in the reversal is a reminder to be more firm and assertive. You have to think more rationally if you want to succeed with your plans. The Queen of Swords in the reversed position also signifies bitterness, cold-heartedness or indignant attitude. The desire for solitude may force others to form wrong perceptions about you.
The Queen of Swords indicates towards honest, trustworthy and strong relationships. The appearance of this card in your Tarot love reading may indicate the presence of someone who is affectionate, soft- natured and mature enough to handle the upheaval of relationships. This card represents the need for freedom and practicality to form new relationships or to sustain an existing one.