The Page of Cups shows a young man standing by the sea, wearing a blue tunic with floral motifs and a beret on his head with a gold cup in his hand. He also wears a long scarf almost covering his neck and head. What must be understood here is that the young man represents youth, innocence and hope. The fish which appears in the cup symbolizes the feeling of living in a dream world, a better world described here as a fairy tale. The beach symbolizes happiness and the colors on his tunic are reminiscent of romance, creativity and sen
The Page of Cups has a childlike curiosity and is guided by the love, intimacy, emotions and it’s intuitive nature. This card in your reading is advising you to express your emotions and use your inner guidance or intuition to guide you on your journey. Another important aspect of the Page of Cups is being intimate and affectionate. Special moments of intimacy and love are a solid means to get closer to your friends or a special partner, to strengthen a friendship and to renew a love affair.
The Upright Page of Cups in your reading is suggesting that a new opportunity has turned up unexpectedly and this is the time to utilize your creative energy to make the best of this opportunity.
The card generally comes up when you are being guided to trust your inner guidance and follow the intuitive messages that are coming your way to get on your path to success.
An open and curious mind helps you in unravelling the new facets of your life and the Page of Cups is inviting you to open up your mind to all possibilities guided by your intuition and creativity.
The creative block caused by the reversed Page of Cups has put in self-doubt and you are worried if you are headed in the right direction. The reversed Page of Cups indicates an emotionally immature person who is adding on to the drama and unable to stay grounded to reality. WIth a reversed Page of Cups in your reading, it is possible that you are being invited to contribute to a new project but your doubting intuition is preventing you from materializing the new ideas.
The Page of Cards for your love Tarot reading is a good omen and indicates possibility of a romantic proposal, engagement, pregnancy or childbirth. The card indicates new romantic interests for singles and is advising you to make effort in expressing your feelings to your secret crush if you want it to be more meaningful. People in relationship need to follow their heart and try to be more romantic.