The Nine of Wands picturizes an injured man holding a wand. The figure shows that the man is bandaged on the head and the arm, which means that he has been through many fights and battles and he may be hurt but he is not ready to back down. He is looking at the eight other wands with weary eyes. This situation may have made him defensive which links to the trust issues. As the Nine of Wands, it shows that the man has been through all the hassle, but he has still not attained his goal. For that, he needs to be resilient and courageous.
The Nine of Wands in general means that the battle is half won and you just need to go a little bit more and you won’t be far from victory. The current occurrences may have drained out all your energy and you must be feeling completely exhausted but you just need to gather some courage and move ahead to achieve your goal with full strength. This card is pointing towards learning from your past mistakes, putting your foot down and gathering your strength. The card is suggesting that even though things haven’t been in your favor in the past and as a result you have faced a lot of challenges but you are very close to succeeding and you shouldn’t give up at this time.
In a tarot reading, if Nine of Wands is upright, it means that you need to move ahead cautiously and there are chances that you may get hurt (physically or emotionally). Don’t let that affect your actions or behavior as you defend your decisions, rather be strong and let the fight be the one to give you power and strength. The Nine of Wands gives you persistence and tells you to be strong no matter the situation.
Reversed Nine of Wands in tarot reading is a warning that you are being very stubborn. It is also linked to feeling weary because of mental and physical exhaustion and is a sign that you are regretting your previous mistakes. The card leaves it on you to decide if you need to let things go or compromise on your goals. Getting this card in your reading is a sign that you feel that your loved ones are not supporting you and this is making you feel that your responsibilities are overpowering you. Don't commit to new things until you wind up the existing projects at hand so that you do not lose control on your situation.
Nine of Wands in Love Tarot reading is pointing out towards difficulty in relationships. Issues with your partner are indicated if you are already in a relationship and the reason maybe the emotional baggage from the past relationships which is negatively affecting your present situation. Singles may find it difficult to move on to new relationships because of the problems they faced in the previous relationships.