In this card, five men are seen raising their wands, as if to fight each other, which indicates conflicts and competition. Though, the wands are not thumping against each other and are just raised to show disagreements, showing that the conflicts are meaningless and don’t have a worthy conclusion. The Five of Wands shows each man wearing differently colored outfits denoting diversity in backgrounds and beliefs and these differences are the cause of disharmony among them. The card portrays aggression and frustration due to the ongoing conflicts and lack of control and cooperation. It shows a need to defend and portray oneself as winner.
The Five of Wands stands for instability and roughage in the current situations and points towards challenges, scuffles and competition, making you feel like everything is going against you. The situations don’t seem to be getting better but there are no major hassles or blocks holding you back.
Upright Five of Wands in Tarot reading forces you to feel like the world is standing against you and nothing is going as you planned. The card advises you to be a little more patient and practice persistence if you want to achieve your goals. It represents discord and is an indication that nothing will go smoothly, rather there is a bumpy ride on the card. The card directs you to be careful of the competition arising from opposition.
The Five of Wands reversed advocates that you are unclear of your thoughts about your stand on the major issues thus, pointing towards internal conflicts. You are most likely to experience stress and disagreements as people around you have strong views about what you need to do. The card suggests you to take informed decisions, so don’t be afraid to listen to people’s point of view about your perspective. You need to find inner peace, which can only be achieved after you align your head with your heart.
Love Tarot reading with Five of Wands directly points towards conflicts, arguments and rows. Irritation, and frustration will give rise to aggression which may disturb the harmony of your relationship and hence advices you to keep your temper under control and cooperate with your partner. Chaos is indicated in your life if you are single as many people seem to be trying to grab your attention but the card suggests you to be cautious.