In the Five of Cups Tarot, there is a man wearing a cloak looking down all disappointed and disheartened with life. The three cups which are randomly lying in front of the man represent his failures, wrong decisions and setbacks in life whereas the other two cups behind him are symbols of new opportunities, success and new possibilities. If you look at this card closely, you will see that this man is only looking at his failures and setbacks which is why he is not able to see the opportunities that are knocking at his door. There is also a bridge over a riverbank which he needs to cross to reach his secure abode or castle. He can reach the bridge only if he gets past those lying cups which represent his failures in life. Symbolically, it means that he will have to make a bridge over his past mistakes and move on if he wishes to live a peaceful and successful life.
Five of Cups represents a combination of failures and achievements, but you probably see only failures and do not notice achievements. If you see a good side in what you have, you will have the opportunity to go through your failures to achieve happiness and success. You are probably just stuck in your past, regretting over things you did wrong, but Five of Cups advises you to be yourself and move forward to achieve what you have worked so hard for. The Five of Cups reminds you that even if you feel that things are not going the way you planned, you need to keep going as new opportunities are waiting ahead for you.
Upright Five of Cups in your reading are a sign that you need to start looking at the positive side of all the situations as being a pessimist will only bury you in guilt and despair. The card shows the man crying over the three spilled cups but is not paying attention to the fact that there are two upright cups behind him and that he needs to protect them. The upright Five of Cups also represent abandonment and getting this card in your reading may imply that either you are abandoned by your loved ones or you have abandoned your family or you are abandoning your plans. But look closer at the card and you will see a castle and greenlands at the far end, which symbolizes hope. You just need to cross the river of hurdles and losses but you can reach your destination if you stick to your plans.
The reversed Five of Cups in your Tarot reading says that there are better times ahead. New opportunities are often accompanied by uncertainties and in this case, the experiences of the past can prove to be valuable lessons for the future. So, you need to stop blaming yourself for the mistakes of the past and move ahead towards your goals. This Minor Arcana in reversed is a sign that you are coming out of isolation and should be ready to accept help from others, which will prove to be a step forward to reach your destination.
Five of Cups in your love Tarot reading is a sign of isolation and abandonment. You may be living in guilt for letting your partner get away. If you are in a relationship, you may be facing hardships with your partner and this card urges you to take steps to resolve the issues affecting you and your beloved if you want to save this relationship.