The Eight of Wands shows eight wands emerging from the background and moving through the air making a formation, in a way that seems that someone has thrown them all to fly at once. This suggests that some unexpected events will unfold that will lead to change or travelling emphasizing transformation and challenge of going along it. The card shows a clear sky and a free-flowing river which makes the surroundings livelier.
The Eight of Wands in Tarot focuses on speed, travel and communication which represents new information, rapid decisions and inference. Our actions and their effects are indicated by the Wands and the card suggests that we need to think and contemplate before we decide to take any action. Only after proper consideration you should move forward with the ideas that need to be put into action.
The Eight of Wands inspires you to accept things as they are and not be affected by any resistance. To be able to attain your goals, it is important that you move forward at the pace at which things around you are moving. The card also wants to warn you that you should not overlook any opportunity because you are afraid to move forward or you fear change as this will only lead to losing the opportunities. The Eight of Wands in the Upright position is guiding you towards your goals and wants you to use all your resources and energy to move in direction of accomplishing your goals. The presence of this card in your reading in upright position means that it's time to finalize the ongoing projects and that all the events have completed their cycle and its time to end what you started.
The Eight of Wands reversed is advising you that you shouldn’t resist changes and moreover, you should not try to hinder the flow of energy. The card tells you to change your routine and the way you perform different activities if things aren’t going as expected as this change will help you in energizing your actions. In case of travel or moving plans, the Eight of Wands can cause interruptions and postponement which will lead to impatience, irritation and frustration. The card further suggests that you take some time off your work or activities to think forward and wait for things to get constant and foreseeable.
Love tarot reading in Eight of Wands can suggest that everything is moving in a forward direction in your love life and it's time to refresh your romantic life. People in relationships will feel the excitement of the reincarnated love and if you have been in a relationship for very long then it's time to bring some newness to your expressions of love. For singles, this card means that you should now start your search for a person as thrilling as you are.