
Tarot Card Meanings

The World

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The World Keywords

UPRIGHT : Celebration, Travel, Completion, New Phase


The World depicts a dancing lady who is enjoying the completion of a long and tiring journey and excited for the upcoming fresh start. Like the Hanged man, her one leg is crossed over the other. She is the female counterpart of the Hanged man. She is looking in the opposite direction to him. She has wands in her both hands representing stability and growth. A ring of green leaves is around her that is a sign of success and accomplishments. Around her a shape of infinity is formed by a red ribbon to inspire people for achieving great heights together. Inside the wreath of glory, stars are outspread around the lady symbolizing wisdom and enlightenment. On the four edges are four creatures in the very order, similar to Wheel of Fortune. The World is very identical to the tarot of Wheel of Fortune. It also represents the cyclic nature of life and human psychology. The four animals- Lion, Eagle, Angel and Bull correspond to four zodiac signs, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus. It also signifies four seasons, four elements and four edges of the Universe. The World tarot card is ruled by the planet, Saturn.

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The World signifies a complete circle of life. It represents a small break before a new start. The card indicates that a significant change is about to happen which will be similar to the transition from one cycle to another. The World ensures new experiences even if you have just accomplished a big achievement.


The World as its pictorial representation, signifies culmination, progress and accomplishment. It indicates that all your hard work has finally paid off and you have attained the final stage of your journey. You have finished a full cycle and all the challenges, failures or tough times that you have gone through, have only made you better and brighter. The card indicates that you are wiser and more experienced than what you were at the time of the start of the journey. All your planning has gone exactly the way you expected it to be. Things are like the way you wanted. You have completed a phase successfully. There are only admirations and rewards all over and you may be feeling overwhelmed. But, this time will pass soon and then everything will bounce back to normal. The World suggests a sense of belonging. You are realizing your influence on others and have a complete idea of how it will affect you later. The appearance of the upright World Tarot card is a good omen to start something new.


The reversed World Tarot is the exact opposite of the upright one. It indicates delay and closure. The card shows that even if you are trying hard to accomplish your goals, you are nowhere close to completion. And even if you are close to finishing it, you lose your focus and slacks off. Thus, keep striving and stay focused on your goals.


In a love reading, the World gives a sense of completion and fulfillment. You are in a blissful phase and are enjoying every moment of your love life. It even indicates taking a new step in your relationship. If you are single, the World gives you a distinct confidence which makes you feel complete and even gives you amazing opportunities to meet new people.

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